Arthur's Angry Rants

"The world is full of idiots". Never have truer words been spoken. Most of the time Arthur can happily go about his everyday life with no problems at all, but every so often (and unfortunately such events are becoming more common) Arthur comes across someone or something so mind numbingly ridiculous he just has to screw up his face, shout a lot and tell the world all about it on his website. From incompetent car drivers to pathetic jobsworths and ridiculous chocolate marketing, Arthur has something to say about it. And he will not be silenced. If you can face Arthur in a really angry mood, then continue reading. Otherwise you might like to browse for pictures of kittens instead. Grrrrrr.....

Arthur Cleethorpes Against Confectionery Capitalism Action Campaign
In his first series of rants, Arthur will talk about the "Arthur Cleethorpes Against Confectionery Capitalism Action Campaign", or A.C.A.C.C.A.C. for short.
Texan Bars. Marathons. Opal Fruits. Easter Eggs with the chocolate treat INSIDE the egg. All these confectionery treats, once the backbone of candy industry have been swept away by evil, corporate giants looking to cut costs, line their own pockets and spit in the face of every British consumer who demands quality in their favourite treats. For years we have suffered in silence, being forced to pander to the whims of American corporations who force their corrupt ideals on our noble country. But the time has come to fight. The time has come to take up arms and demand what is rightfully ours. We don't want faceless, American candy bars. We want our favourite chocolate and sweets back now!