Yes, it's been a number of years since I updated this site. Am getting back on the case with a slightly more modern re-design but have temporarily jettisoned some of the content simply becasue I want to get something new up and running sooner rather than later. I'm sure I'll add it all back eventually in some form or another.
I'm not 100% happy with the overall appearance of the main site but it's better than it was and I can adjust things later as required.
I've started off with a few important bits like the Mr Claypole memorial, because, let's face it, everyone loves Mr Claypole. Plus I've added a Star Wars page where I built a gallery for some of my old action figure card backs.
Handy Hint for Today
Choosing a carpet
The most truly chaste, rich, and elegant carpets are those which are of one colour only, the pattern, if pattern it may be called, being formed by a judicious arrangement of every variety and shade of this colour. For instance, a Brussels carpet entirely red; the pattern formed by shades or tints varying from the deepest crimson (almost a black) to the palest pink (almost a white). Also one of green only, shaded from the darkest bottle-green, in some parts of the pattern, to the lightest pea-green in others. Or one in which there is no colour but brown, in all its various gradations, some of the shades being nearly black, others of a light buff.
Enquire Within Upon Everything, 1884